Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Fab-Fourth!

First off let me say Happy 4th!! I am a huge fan of vintage or "pin up" hairstyles.  One perfect day for me to bust out my vintage side is on the 4th of July.  Because then I get to rock my "Patriotic" red lipstick as well.  This look is quick, I just took a deep side part, basing it off of where my eyebrow ends and I curled everything the opposite direction for more height.  Each curl is pinned up to cool still in the form of being in a "roller set"  You let that sit for about 15 min while it cools then take them all down and there you go instant body and a vintage style!  Add some red lipstick and your ready to go!

 I wish that I would have thought to do a step by step as I did my hair this morning, but here is the finished look! I had work today but this is a great quick and easy look for anyone to do that you can easily go from work to your fireworks filled party! Hope you all have a safe and great night!


  1. I have short straight flat hair so I could never do what you just did to your hair in a million years. It looks so full and pretty; I love it. Question, what brand of lipstick is that? It is so bold!

  2. awe! You could totally do it! It just looks cute/different on short hair! I hear that a lot about styling short hair, but it is possible i promise! All it takes is confidence to wear any style you want to wear! The lipstick is Perfect Red by NYX and its there Matte color line. I love it! (if you see the post of the lipstick swatches it is one of the last)

  3. I absolutely love the vintage/pin-up look, I think it's so cute! There was a girl I used to go to school with and she used to do different pin-up inspired looks. She would always try to explain it to me, but I'm a step by step person myself.
